Abstract format and instructions (Guidelines)

New Deadline: January 10, 2019

The participants wishing to contribute to ILC-2019 scientific programme should send an abstract of their presentation to the Organizing Committee by sending their files as described at the end of this page.

Provided at least one Author is registered to the Conference, there is no limit to the number of abstracts which can be presented.

Please specify, on the REGISTRATION FORM, if your contribution is proposed for oral or poster presentation. The ILC Scientific Committee reserves the right to select the contributions for oral presentation among the abstracts and according to the slots available in the Conference Agenda.

Authors of accepted oral presentations will be requested to submit a 4 pages manuscript which will be published in the Website of the XV Lupin Conference. The manuscripts will have the form of a mini-paper. Specific guidelines will be provided to the selected corresponding Authors.

Abstract format and instructions (Guidelines)

All Abstracts should conform to the template:

  • Max one page (Letter format);
  • Title: bold capital letters, centralized, Font  Calibri 14 pt
  • Authors with affiliations (corresponding Author name should be underlined); Font Calibri 10 pt.

Example:       Juan Pérez1, Diego Villamontes2, Marc Elbers1

1 Institution of origin, Country, Email

2 Institution of origin, Country, Email

  • Abstract text justified; Font 11 pt; Single space;
  • In the text should be approached the items introduction, objectives, methodology, results and discussion and conclusions. Acknowledgments (optional) must be at the end of the abstract.
  • Do not include tables, figures and bibliographic references in the abstract.
  • Margins: left (2.54 cm) – right (2.54 cm) – upper (2.54 cm) – lower (2.54 cm)



  1. Abstracts not conforming with the guidelines will not be considered.
  2. Authors whose primary language is not English are advised to have their abstract proof-read by English. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to edit papers for spelling, grammar, punctuation and clarity.

Upload instructions

Save the abstract files as surname.docx or surname.doc, and submit it as attached file at ilc2019@proinpa.org (subject: Abstract submission; please specify in the mail body if you propose it for Oral or Poster and indicate the Conference Area you are contributing)